Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A modest attempt at solving America's oldest, biggest problem.

Hi, it's me again. Lowell Thompson, aka RaceMan.

I know it's been a while since you've heard from me, but rest assured that I haven't been sitting on my, uh, I mean laurels. Not that I had many to sit on.

Those of you who know me from the old days - on Salon's Table Talk when it was just getting started in the mid-to-late 90s, or my column in the short-lived paper version of Third Coast Press - welcome back. Those of you who haven't had the pleasure/pain of my pithy, penchant but fair analysis of America's perennial problem, glad to meetcha.

Since I'm old to the web, but new to the blogosphere, please bear with me as I gather my thoughts. It may take a few weeks before I get the hang of this. Meanwhile I'll look for some of my past missives and start posting them.

But be warned. I don't plan to spend my life writing this damn blog. In fact, it may help to think of this more as a slog (Slow Log). I plan to post at my leisure, when I start to receive questions that strike my fancy, have something to say that might help you think about the issue or read or hear something in the media that I can't let stand.

But remember, solving the race problem is just my hobby. I have to spend some time on my day job: saving the world.


Lowell said...

Hey Paul,

Thanks for your brief but perceptive comments (the check is in the mail). But I don't know if I can actually SAVE the day, maybe a few seconds.

Thanks again.


GuessWho? said...

Hey, RaceMan. Didn't you used to have a superhero logo, man? Certainly you haven't forgotten that column you used to write in Third Coast Press, Chicago's now-defunct yet still beloved progressive news source, have you?

Yes, I know before the logo there was RaceMan. Still, it just doesn't feel complete.