Hey RaceMan,
Negroes like you always want to talk about racism.
Don't you think racism would go away if folks like you didn't bring it up all the time?
See No Racism
BTW: And why do you call yourself RaceMan? Isn't that racist?
Dear See No,
No. and No.
I could easily leave it at that. But, because of the mass misinformation in the mass media, there are lots of people who think your questions are good ones. So, at the risk of saying what's obvious to a few, I'll say it.
1. No, because before there was even a word for it, there was racism. In fact, I just found out a few years ago that the word "racism" itself is fairly new, at least to the English language (which is what we Americans say we speak). According to my sources the word racism was not used at all to describe what the U.S.A. had done to American Indians and African-Americans. Euro-Americans didn't talk about it, they just did it.
From what I've learned, the first usage of the word "racism" was to describe what the Nazis were doing to the Jews in the 1930s, not what white supremacy did to "colored" folks for at least 300 years before that.
So, it's not a chicken or egg phenomenon. The big white-supremacist, hateful, murdering, racist chicken laid the little righteously-bitter black egg.
2. I call myself RaceMan because I fight for the only race that actually exists - the human one. In spite of American media's attempt to hide racism (and its centuries of complicity in it) behind an unspoken "gag order", honest, reasoned, even heated discussion of race and racism is not the same as racism itself. That's why, even though his style is provocative, Jeremiah Wright, Obama's preacher was right in his condemnation of American racism, no matter how much media bloviators try to equate his righteously-bitter words with racism itself.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
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So RaceMan, where do we go from here? Which way to Utopia? Maybe we can get half way there.
Utopia? As far as I can tell, there's no such place.
But just because we humans are incapable of perfection, it doesn't mean we shouldn't try to be better than we are, and get a little closer to our ideals. Ditto for societies.
I think that's what the FFs meant by "a more perfect union."
No, it is'nt! As a budding spiritualist, I understand that the minute you give thought to an idea, you are basically validating it. You may speak your point of view, but the minute you do validates that the idea exists. To what degree it exists in the bearer of the thought, however maybe a point worth considering. You will only be able to tell by the understanding spewed by the speaker. The premise that racism could only be wielded by those who have power is a tricky statement, because if I chose to deny someone access to my pool because they are of a diffrent culture, that is considered racism. And, I do have power over MY POOL! But, when you speak of a nation, state, city or community, if a group of people are denied access, that is racism being executed by those in power. In the United States, Blacks have been treated unfairly to a large degree, no question. So to have the Irish, Mexican, even women at one time. Now check it; I'm talking about it, but I don't consider myself racist! Brother, Ahmaz
The only place utopia could exist is in your own mind, where a lot of people consider themselves legends. This is the same place that heaven exists. What works for me is surrounding myself around like minds when I'm priveleged enough to do so. I'm not able to do that commercially, meaning where I work, shop, eat out vacation, travel to and from, but when I'm home or at church, meetings (Fraternal, specialized groups, etc.) I have the ability to do and be ME! It is important that I subscribe to a lifestyle that will enable me to be free of unwarrented stress, anxiety, anger, frustration, fear even judgement. You talk about perfection and I feel that you could aspire to be perfect as long as you use yourself as the measuring stick. The minute you use someone else as the the stick, you are being judgemental. It is important that I stay within' myself. Measure where I am and evaluate where I need to go. If my goals remain rightous, I may be reaching the heaven or the utopia in my own mind. It's like the poem I wrote, if you remember, Perfection is Imperfection. Trying to be that which you will never be. But it is worth the try.
Sounds like you're on the journey. I track a similar path. Maybe in a different way. Maybe not.
To align the word racism with power is just semantics. I believe the correct definition of the word or concept is describing a bias with the power to impact the biased party or group. We all discriminate (I like Kashi and not Coco Puffs) but those who have responsibility in our government, institutions, public places and workplaces must leave their biases at the door. At least thats the goal.
Truth is we are all particle and wave at the same time. We are all part of the same continuum that is this universe. That is to say the various differences we recognize are really all bullshit. Right? So even you and I are one, not separate beings.
It is great to be around those whose vibration is the same or similar and very reinforcing. As you get stronger remember to reach out and be an example for others. This I believe is what christians call bearing witness.
Our loving example shines light into darkness. Or as the bumper sticker (and I believe Ghandi) says, "Be the change in the world that you wish to see."
To be observant of other vibes and densities is not to validate them necessarily. It can be, I believe, merely being present. Awake. Aware. It is important however when in the presence of what I will call for lack of a better word, "negative" frequencies to maintain and even promote your "positive" frequency. Shine your light removing the darkness.
You, Ahmaz, are the utopia we seek. At least one part (particle) of it.
You brothers are way too deep for little ol' RaceMan.
I try to keep things simple. That's why I created my own religious motto a few years ago. I think it captures the essence of almost all religio/morality systems, without all the rituals. In fact, you can print it on a T-shirt:
"God is good" on the front.
"Good is God" on the back.
"Do Good" is the only commandment.
I'm writing a small book on it right now.
Some may ask, "What does that have to do with race and racism?" I think it's relevant because it's basically a system to guide how we treat others. If the founding fathers had had the T-shirt, RaceMan could spend his time being Environment Man.
But please don't get me off my subject. If you want to find out more about my book, go to faithingood.com.
Your book is what we need. Simple rules. Easy to live by. I think. Well... it is if you stick to the rules.
As I believe RaceMan (that'd be you) once told me, There only one race, the human race. Lets got with that for now. If we get that right then we will truly only need Environment Man.
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