Tuesday, May 13, 2008

4 Stars for Star

I just got a message from my friend Paul about a statement that Star Jones made concerning Bill O'Reilly's comments about Michelle Obama and lynching. First, I admit that I don't know much about Ms. Jones except that she is a talk show personality who was once on a show called "The View", that she lost a lot of weight and that I shouldn't invite her and Barbara Walters to the same party.

I've never viewed "The View", so I don't have much of a sense of Ms. Jones' personality or style. But based on her passionate but well-stated commentary on BlackVoices about O'Reilly's comments, I've got a lot of respect for her intellect. I say "Go Girl" (or whatever is the current equivalent slang). You are a real RW (Race Woman). Check out the link below.

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