Friday, May 23, 2008

Did Hillary just kill her campaign for President?

Have you heard the latest remark that Hillary Clinton made about why she's staying in the race?
She said that she would be stupid to give up now since other campaigns, like her husband's weren't decided until June....and (and this is the kicker) Bobby Kennedy wasn't assassinated until June! Although she apologized a few hours later, the apology seemed to be more to the Kennedys, than Barack and Michelle Obama. What do you think?
The Wonderer

Dear Wonderer,
As far as I can see, Hillary not only just ended her chances for the presidency, she just unloaded both barrels on any vice presidential aspirations too.

Even if you give her the benefit of humongous doubt, her remarks (just like her musings on "hard-working Americans, white Americans") show that she is too insensitive to the power of words to be president.

Was it wishful thinking, a Freudian Slip, campaign fatique, poor judgment, political tone-deafness or all of the above? No matter how you look at it, it's a killer-diller. Any explanation undermines her strongest selling point - that she's more experienced and world-wise than Obama. Of course everyone has thought about the possibility of assassination but it's pure amateur hour for a leading politician to encourage all the hate-mongering losers* out there with itchy trigger fingers by speculating on the subject.

If there was any reason for the Superdelegates to wait until June, she has just eliminated it. And I think she's assassinated her vp chances too. Imagine having a vice president who's on record speculating about what would happen if you're killed. I don't think so.
*Monroe Anderson, a well-known Chicago-based journalist has more on this here.

1 comment:

iconolater said...


You are on point with this one - thanks for the insights.