Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Nobody asked me, but....

I read a few columns today that dealt with the issue of race and politics in ways I don't remember hearing or reading anywhere before - not even in alternative, progressive and even radical rags. It seems to me that no matter what ultimately happens with the current presidential race, we are seeing a phenomenon that has never happened in mainstream America. We are seeing the usually avoided or exploited issue of race dealt with by serious, well-informed (and seemingly, well-meaning) people. And some are going beyond the lazy thinking and accepted "wisdom" of the past.

I'm adding links to two columns in particular that gave me some insights that I don't remember ever seeing on TV or by any of the usual pop media susp....I mean...uh.....pundits. One is by a guy named Timothy Egan, who blogs for the New York Times, called White on White.

The second is by Joseph Lowndes on The Huffington Post, titled What Oregon Says About America. Go check them out and report back to ol' RaceMan, OK?

1 comment:

Joyce Owens said...

Check out Monroe Anderson's blog:

He addresses issues on politics (and race) and gets a lot of feedback from the horses' mouths.

We cannot escape this issue. The country was founded on it and to justify it promoted its rationale (they need to be protected, they are ignorant heathens and primitive, etc. later we became dangerous...) and exported it to the rest of the world.

What do we gain in keeping this up?
We lose economically, we lose in scientific and creative progress. We lose in simple man-power when a segment of the society is marginalized.